Gratis Dream Theater Bass Play-Along Volume 47: Bass Play-Along Volume 47 Book/2-CD Pack de Dream Theater PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Descargar Ebook Dream Theater Bass Play-Along Volume 47: Bass Play-Along Volume 47 Book/2-CD Pack de Dream Theater PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Reseña del editor (Bass Play-Along). The Bass Play-Along series will help you play your favorite songs quickly and easily! Just follow the tab, listen to the audio to hear how the bass should sound, and then play along using the separate backing tracks. The melody and lyrics are also included in the book in case you want or sing, or to simply help you follow along. The audio is accessed online for download or streaming and includes PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right available exclusively from Hal Leonard! 10 songs: Breaking All Illusions * Erotomania * Fatal Tragedy * Hell's Kitchen * In the Presence of Enemies Part 1 * Metropolis Part 1 'The Miracle and the Sleeper' * On the Backs of Angels * Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence: I. Overture * Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence: II. About to Crash * Under a Glass Moon.
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